When we talk about intelligence sharing, we automatically think about spooks, double agents, espionage, and covert operations.  But today it is much more of a business imperative to share intelligence, to collaborate with our industry peers and it is perhaps less covert than we previously imagined. Particularly in the relentless war against cybercriminals, it is vital that we share information around cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities because that is exactly what our adversaries are doing.

Cybercriminals share intelligence to support meticulously planned attacks. In fact, sharing intelligence about data breach opportunities and exploitable vulnerabilities has become essential for cybercriminals to execute their attacks more effectively. That is why it is important that as an industry, vendors and enterprise organizations alike, we collaborate and build intelligence networks, communities and capability. The Five Eyes (FVEY) is undoubtedly one of the biggest and most enduring multi-state intelligence sharing networks in the world. The alliance, established post World War II, is an intricate web of global intelligence, comprising five English-speaking countries and was one of the first information sharing communities.

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