CTI Supporting BFSI and their Customers


November 7th at 1:00pm AEST

The Banking and Financial Services Industry (BFSI) is arguably the most targeted industry by cyber-attacks, both directly, and indirectly via their customers.

Various types of Threat Actors with varying motivations have something to achieve by attacking banks and financial institutions, whether it be financial gain, or to cripple critical payments processing infrastructure. There is no silver bullet to this problem, and the same old defensive principles apply as with any other organization.

Whilst these principles are simple, there is an overwhelming amount of continuous work to be done, and the job will never be finished. Resources and skills are in short supply, so it is important to use their time efficiently. When leveraged correctly, Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) can help to prioritize focus where the biggest risks lie. BSFI organizations can leverage CTI to better protect their own infrastructure, but also protect their customers from falling victim to financial fraud.

In this webinar we will demonstrate the role that a Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP) plays within BSFI defense capabilities, operationalizing CTI.

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